forensic recovery software

Unlock rapid digital forensics, anywhere

Detego Field Triage is a highly portable field-based solution, perfect for investigating data on PCs, laptops, servers and loose media. Field Triage uses keywords and hash-matching technology to swiftly identify and alert users about data related to investigations without running time-consuming extraction and analytical processes.

Field Triage enables users to make quick decisions in time-critical scenarios, thanks to its patented red-amber-green visual alert system.

  • Deploy anywhere using a removable storage device or external hard drive
  • Rapidly acquire usernames and passwords and identify data that’s critical to investigations
  • Effortlessly customise and use across a range of investigations, including modern slavery, fraud, insider trading, harassment, Indecent Images Of Children (IIOC), Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), human trafficking and terrorism
  • Speed up investigations by leveraging advanced automation features
  • Use data from the Child Abuse Image Database (CAID) and Project VIC to fast-track IIOC, CSAM and ICAC investigations
  • Get users up and running in minutes with its simple, easy-to-use interface that’s ideal for non-technical users


Trusted by elite military and law enforcement units, as well as global enterprises, Field Triage helps combat crimes ranging from terrorism and cyber-crimes to fraud and human trafficking. Detego delivers accurate results even when deployed in the toughest of conditions.

rapid, automated triage

network forensics in cyber security

globally patented technology


Deployment options


End-to-end digital forensics and case management tools for lab-based investigators

Field-Deployment Kits

The ultimate combination of hardware and software for field-based investigators


Equip first responders with  easy-to-use, all-in-one digital forensics tools that can be deployed at police stations, airports and other remote locations

Mobile Deployment Kits

Carry out investigations, even when on the move. Our mobile kits can be deployed in police cars, vans and other mobile assets

Our Solutions Are Trusted By

See How Detego Can Work For You

Request a fully-functional, 30 day trial of our Unified Digital Forensics Platform